1. Asrais
small, soft, fairy boys. It can not be exposed to direct sunlight, otherwise they will merge into a pool of water.
2. Banshee –
2. Banshee –
"Fairy woman"; is a soul attached to the family-specific ancestry. When a family member dying, the family will hear the banshee cry. Not always terrifying.
3. Bogles –
3. Bogles –
Generally, the devil-nature Goblins although they tend to harm by way of lies and murder.
4. Brownies –
4. Brownies –
Generally enjoy being around humans and yard. Friendly and really helpful.
5. Dwarfs –
5. Dwarfs –
short fat and strong. Reach adulthood at the age of three years and gray and had a beard at the age of seven years. Mentioned that they can not be seen in the sun, so to see him have to bring them into stone. However, there are potions and spells that can make them resistant to sunlight.
6. Dryads –
6. Dryads –
They are the souls who inhabit the trees, especially oaks. Druids used them as a source of inspiration.
7. Elves –
7. Elves –
Another name from the known elf army. They are subdivided into Seelie and Unseelie.
8th Fir tremble -
8th Fir tremble -
(Fear Deang) Practically a terrible natural clown. They can change his face into anyone he wants.
9. Gnomes -
9. Gnomes -
Elements of the earth. They live below the soil surface and keep the wealth on earth.Gnome metal workers are awesome, especially for the swords and armor.
10. Goblins –
10. Goblins –
Is the name used for the species a bad fairy. Her body was small and evil, and is usually swarmed down because it would lose its ability if it acted alone. They are usually operated by a maksus-Mage for evil purposes.
11. Gwragged Annwn –
11. Gwragged Annwn –
(Gwageth anoon) is a water nymph, who sometimes take a human male to become husband and husband.
12. Gwyllion –
12. Gwyllion –
Scottish Water is a ghost. They often appear as a hairy men or hideous female ghost who intercept and misleading travelers at night in the streets of the mountains.Mountain fairy happy to sit on the rock on one side of the mountain path and silently watch the people who menlintas.
13. HobGoblins –
13. HobGoblins –
Usually an odd name for a small but friendly creature we call a dwarf.
14. Knockers (Buccas) –
14. Knockers (Buccas) –
Ruh friendly mining the miners. They knocked on the layer of ore metal content.
15. Leprechauns –
15. Leprechauns –
Very clever and cunning and can disappear in a blink of an eye. They particularly loved, and was active in the days of Saint Patrick, but any day is good for them.
16. Mer-People-Mermaid –
16. Mer-People-Mermaid –
They live in water, but they look like a man from the waist up and have a tail like a fish. They are as compelling as that lure fishermen to death. Called also Murdhuacha (muroo-cha) or Merrows.
17. Pixies –
17. Pixies –
Frequently taking the hedgehog. They are an evil fairy who loves toying with people and nations other fairies. They also love to steal horses to ride.
18. Phouka –
18. Phouka –
Can be seen in various forms of animals and usually dangerous.
19. Redcap –
19. Redcap –
One of the famous demon of the old Border Goblins. He lives in the ruins of the towers or castles, especially those with a history of crime. He colored his hat in human blood.
20. Shefro –
20. Shefro –
Elf male wearing a green robe and a red hat.
21. Sidhe (shee) –
21. Sidhe (shee) –
The name for the little people who live below the soil surface. An old grave mound or small hill with a door to the kingdom of the fairy land of beauty.
22. Sluagh –
22. Sluagh –
Ruh curious that his death was unforgivable, or the pagans. It is a great opponent for fairy plateau. Spriggans - Narrated ugly, strange and stunted in their natural world, but can change the shape of a giant size. Spriggans is a vicious criminal gangs, experts in stealing, damaging a deft and dangerous. They are capable of robbing human houses, kidnapping children (and leaving a repulsive baby Spriggan that instead).
23. Trolls –
23. Trolls –
Do not like sunlight. They often do the dance section strange ear piece called 'Henking'.
24. Trows –
24. Trows –
Same with the Trolls and like them, anti to sunlight. They also do dance Henking '.
25 Urisk –
25 Urisk –
Is a fairy who often live in isolated pools of silence. He would often show up in human groups, but the emergence of a strange and creepy is the way he did.
26. Water Fairies –
Is a provider of food for the plants and taker of life. They combine beauty with betrayal and death. They can be friend or foe.26. Water Fairies –
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